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October 29, 2023 2 min read

What's Next For The Future Of Chocolate In Blacktown?

Chocolate has shared a close relationship with people for thousands of years. From the days of the chocolate drink enjoyed by Mayans to the dizzying array of chocolate bars on store shelves, chocolate is now a hundred billion dollar industry that employs millions of people, requires vast amounts of resources and impacts the climate in a number of ways. As our global community becomes more aware of the climate crisis, the need for sustainable, equitable practices is greater than ever. In this blog, Devil’s Barrel takes a closer look at how the next generation of chocolate researchers, growers, customers and sustainable chocolate brands are paving the way for a sustainable supply chain.

Challenges Faced By The Chocolate Industry

One of the major challenges faced by the chocolate industry begins with the cacao tree itself. Cacao plants require very specific conditions for optimal growth, which leaves them vulnerable in a world where climate changes are quick and drastic. Climate change is likely to reduce the amount of cultivable land in West Africa, where 70% of the world’s cacao is grown.

Cacao growing practices have resulted in a global cacao crop that is genetically homogeneous. The lack of genetic diversity makes plants more prone to pests and diseases. The world needs a more resilient cacao crop that can hold up to a number of pests and diseases.

Among the most pressing concerns are the deep-rooted socio-economic problems faced in the chocolate industry. The future of sustainable chocolate must take into account the low wages, child labour, poor living conditions and lack of support for farmers to make a real difference. Chocolate innovation has to prioritise the lives of the individuals who are connected to it.

The Future Of Sustainable Chocolate

The field of chocolate innovation is being propelled forward by scientists who are using advanced genetic technology to create new cacao varieties that are more resilient to changes in temperature, a wider range of pests and capable of higher yields.

Permaculture and agroforestry practices are also making their way into the chocolate industry. Rather than grow cacao as a monoculture, farmers are using the shade of compatible trees, intercropping and promoting biodiversity to create a more stable and balanced ecosystem for cacao.

On the socio-economic front, public-private partnerships are going to great lengths to promote fair trade, improve farmer training and support local communities so that the people who grow, ferment and process cacao enjoy better living conditions, wages and security. The next generation of chocolate is all about ensuring that the impact of the chocolate industry on people and the environment is minimal.

The Consumer’s Role

At Devil’s Barrel, we believe that the chocolate industry can be influenced by customers who are conscious of how cacao is sourced. Sustainable chocolate brands thrive when clients insist on products that are fair trade, certified organic and made from cacao that is grown using sustainable practices.

Artisanal Chocolate Made From Ethically Grown Cacao

If you are looking for high-quality craft chocolate made from single-source cacao beans, Devil’s Barrel is the place for you. Contact ustoday to learn more about how you can make a difference in the chocolate industry by supporting sustainable chocolate brands.

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