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February 16, 2022 1 min read

Picture this: Craft chocolate, the superhero of chocolates! It's like a dazzling treasure made from pure, unadulterated cacao beans sourced transparently and transformed into mouthwatering goodness on a small scale. We're talking about a chocolate revolution here, where the focus is all on the extraordinary flavours locked within those magical beans. No more of that boring, over-processed "chocolate" that's been westernized beyond recognition. Craft chocolate is the real deal, a global sensation crafted from cacao grown all over the world.

Now, let me introduce you to the secret password of the chocolate world: "bean to bar." Craft chocolate makers are the brave souls who control every step of the chocolate-making journey, from the humble unroasted cacao bean all the way to the glorious chocolate bar. They're the masters of their craft, the guardians of flavour, and the superheroes of The Movement!

But wait, there's more! Single plantation or single origin chocolate bars are the shining stars of this chocolate universe. They're like the virtuosos, showcasing the unique flavours found in each region's beans and displaying the impressive skills of craft chocolate makers. It's like a symphony of taste, where the notes of flavour dance and evolve, guided by the chocolate maker's expertise. They combine scents, tastes, and textures to create chocolatey wonders that will blow your taste buds away!

So, my friend, if you're ready for an adventure that transcends the ordinary, join The Movement and indulge in the tantalizing world of craft chocolate. Prepare to be amazed as you embark on a journey of flavours you never knew existed. Craft chocolate: where chocolate dreams come true

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