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February 16, 2022 6 min read

1. Bean-To-Bar is Basically Better Chocolate?

Now, hold on to your sweet tooth, because in the global cocoa market, there are two gangs vying for domination: bulk beans and fine flavour beans. Picture bulk beans as the misfits, the ones used to churn out those generic candies we gobble up during the holidays or mix into instant hot chocolate. They're the cheap stuff, often made from cocoa beans that haven't seen proper fermentation or drying. Sometimes they even throw in a few mouldy or rotten beans for extra "flavour" (if you can call it that).

But wait, there's a twist! These bulk beans aren't selected for their taste. Oh no, they're chosen for their ability to yield a massive quantity. One notorious variety, the CCN-51, has been called out by chocolate experts for tasting downright "dirty and undesirable." Yikes! Guess who's behind this chocolate conspiracy? Just a handful of giant, international companies who scoop up this ocean of bulk beans and transform them into the chocolate we find on shelves worldwide.

On the flip side, we have the rebels of the chocolate world: the bean-to-bar makers. These daring individuals have a different agenda. They work with the finest flavour beans, the crème de la cacao. These beans have been meticulously fermented, dried with love, and stored like precious gems. It's like finding the holy grail of cocoa!

But wait, there's more to this bean-to-bar extravaganza! It's not just about the cocoa. These rebels take extra care with every ingredient they use. They seek out higher-quality sugar, often going for organic cane sugar because, well, they have class. And get this: they don't stop there! They're all about supporting local heroes, like nut producers and dried fruit artisans. These goodies become their sidekicks, joining forces with the cocoa to create a tantalizing symphony of flavours.

So, my cocoa-loving comrade, if you're tired of the same old boring chocolate and want to dive into a world of extraordinary taste, seek out the bean-to-bar revolution. Embrace the rebels who care about the finer things in life. They're turning chocolate-making into an art form, one delicious bar at a time. Get ready to have your taste buds blown away and your chocolate cravings satisfied like never before!

2. Bean-To-Bar Chocolate Means It's Carefully Made From Scratch

Now, let's spill the cocoa beans on the big chocolate companies. Sure, they make chocolate from scratch, but their main focus is pumping out billions of identical bars every year. It's all about consistency, baby! Efficiency rules their chocolate factories, leaving little room for creativity and quality. Boring, right?

But fear not, my chocoholic amigos, because bean-to-bar chocolate makers are here to save the day! They take "from scratch" to a whole new level. Quality and flavour are their holy grail, and they approach chocolate-making with skill and artistry.

First things first, they start with whole cocoa beans. It's like the chocolate-making equivalent of a superhero origin story. These beans are roasted to perfection, cracked open, and the precious nibs are revealed. Then, armed with a machine called a melangeur, they go on a grinding spree, transforming those nibs into a silky smooth chocolate dream. Along the way, they sprinkle in sugar and other delightful ingredients to create pure bliss.

But the fun doesn't stop there, my friends! These chocolate artisans have a secret weapon called tempering. It's like their superpower, raising and lowering the chocolate's temperature in a precise way to achieve a specific shine and crystal formation. It's like they're creating chocolate masterpieces with their own hands! And voila, the chocolate is molded into beautiful bars, ready to be devoured by eager chocolate enthusiasts like you and me.

Oh, but wait, there's more to this chocolate extravaganza! Have you seen the packaging? It's like a work of art in itself. These bean-to-bar wizards put their heart and soul into designing beautiful, personalized packaging that adds another layer of value to your chocolate experience. Just imagine, once you've indulged you could frame that stunning packaging and proudly display it on your wall. Talk about turning chocolate into a masterpiece!

So, my fellow chocolate adventurers, if you're tired of mass-produced monotony and crave a chocolate experience that's made with love, skill, and a touch of wizardry, join the bean-to-bar revolution. Embrace the magic of chocolate craftsmanship, where every bar is a unique work of art. Get ready to savor flavours you never thought possible and dive into a world where chocolate dreams come true. It's time to unleash your inner chocolate connoisseur and embark on the most delectable journey of your life!

3. Bean-to-Bar Chocolate Is All About Paying Farmers Fairly 

Let's talk about the blood, sweat, and tears that go into growing and harvesting cacao. It's no walk in the park, my friends. These tropical-loving plants thrive 20 degrees above and below the Equator, forming a band around the globe. And let me tell you, they can be a bit finicky. But that's not all! Picture this: farmers armed with machetes (yes, machetes!) plucking cacao pods off trees and expertly splitting them open. It's a true act of bravery, my cocoa comrades. They scoop out the precious beans and the luscious white pulp surrounding them, all by hand. And once they've gathered enough of these fresh beans, it's off to the fermentation party, where banana leaves or wooden boxes become the VIP guests. Days pass, and the beans soak up the flavours, getting ready for their grand entrance. Finally, they bask in the glorious sunlight, drying out like sun-kissed superstars.

But here's the bitter truth: if these hardworking farmers are stuck with "bulk" beans, they earn a measly amount for their tireless efforts. Brace yourselves, folks, because we're talking about a staggering $1.09AUD per pound of beans. Yep, you heard that right. It's like winning a penny in a chocolate lottery. Not so sweet, huh?

But fear not, my fellow chocolate lovers, because bean-to-bar makers are here to change the game. They want to give these farmers the recognition and fair pay they truly deserve. It's all about building relationships, baby! These chocolate rebels understand that cocoa farmers are the unsung heroes behind every delicious bar. They want to be partners, not just buyers who toss a few coins their way. Take Luke Spencer from Spencer Cocoa, for example. He's like a chocolate superhero who visits the families he works with in the village of Malekula not once, but twice a year! Talk about dedication to the cause.

Here's the scoop: bean-to-bar makers often go above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to fair pay. They're not playing by the rules of the bulk market. Oh no, they're paying prices that make the cocoa beans blush with happiness. They have fancy terms for these partnerships, like direct trade, transparent trade, or even grower direct. They want the money they pay to stay right where it belongs—in the pockets of the hardworking growers! No fair-trade bureaucracy or shenanigans here. These chocolate rebels believe in paying prices that exceed the standards set by certified schemes. They're the champions of fairness in the chocolate world!

So, when you bite into that bean-to-bar chocolate, know that you're not just savoring deliciousness. You're supporting a revolution—a revolution that believes in giving credit, respect, and fair pay to the farmers who make it all possible. Together, let's raise our chocolate bars and toast to the unsung heroes of cocoa farming. They deserve every ounce of recognition, and our taste buds deserve every moment of chocolatey bliss. Cheers to a sweeter, fairer future!

What's Most Important To You?

Alrighty, chocoholics, it's time to dig deep and uncover the chocolate preferences that make our taste buds tingle with delight! When it comes to these three categories of chocolate goodness, there's bound to be some overlapping, but each has its unique fan club. So, let's dive into the chocoholic psyche and uncover the juiciest priorities.

Picture this: you're having a casual chat about chocolate, and boom! One of these categories becomes the superhero in the eyes of the person you're talking to. For some, it's all about those strong principles and sustainability. They're the heroes who put ethics and the environment at the top of their chocolate agenda. They're ready to shell out a few extra bucks to support companies that align with their values. You go, sustainability champions!

Then we have the believers in the power of higher-quality beans and sugar. They're like the treasure hunters of the chocolate world, seeking that shiny, oh-so-satisfying flavour. These connoisseurs appreciate the finer things in life and won't settle for anything less than the crème de la cacao. It's all about that top-notch taste, baby!

But wait, there's more! We can't forget about the chocolate makers themselves. Some folks swear by the care and attention these masterminds put into creating chocolate from scratch. It's like watching a magic show, where every step is a labour of love. These chocolatiers are the ultimate creators, crafting each bar with their own hands and infusing it with their passion. It's a recipe for chocolate nirvana!

So, my chocolate-loving comrades, as you embark on your chocolate adventures, remember that there's a category out there for everyone. Whether you're a sustainability superhero, a flavour hunter, or an admirer of the chocolate-making craft, there's a chocolate bar waiting to satisfy your cravings. So go forth, explore, and indulge in the chocolate that speaks to your soul. Because, my friends, when it comes to chocolate, there's no wrong answer. It's all about finding the joy that suits your taste buds.

Happy chocolate hunting!

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