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February 16, 2022 2 min read

Alright, my fellow chocolate explorers, it's time to embark on a tasty adventure—a step-by-step guide to savouring chocolate like a pro. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds and indulge in the chocolaty goodness!

Step 1: Break off a delectable piece of chocolate and hold it in your hand. Now, let's warm it up a bit, like giving it a cozy hug. Feel that chocolaty anticipation building?

Step 2: Get up close and personal with your chocolate. Bring it close to your nose and take a big whiff. Inhale and exhale those heavenly aromas. Give it around thirty seconds, and let the aromas dance and develop. Note the tantalizing scents and how they change as the chocolate warms up against your skin.

Step 3: Now, here comes the fun part. Pop that chocolate piece onto your tongue, but hold your nose closed—yes, that's right! We're going incognito with our taste buds. Let the chocolate melt slowly with your body temperature instead of immediately chewing and swallowing. This allows the fine chocolate to unleash a wide array of flavours. Take your time and savour the moment.

Step 4: Inhale and exhale, my friends! Breathe in and out to bring fresh waves of aromatic delight to your olfactory receptors. You might even want to close your eyes and let your taste buds take the spotlight. Embrace the flavour journey, as the chocolate melts further and its cocoa butter works its magic. It's like a rollercoaster of taste that evolves with every breath and melt. Take note of the flavours you experience (check out our helpful diagram below).

Step 5: As the chocolate fully melts and dissolves in your mouth, it's time to bid it farewell. Swallow and pay attention to the lingering aftertaste. What delightful sensations do you experience as it lingers? The chocolate's final bow, if you will.

Step 6: Take a moment to reflect on the amazing transformation you just experienced—from the beginning to the end. It's like a flavour symphony that leaves you wanting more. Our diagram can help you keep track of the tasting notes along the way.

Step 7: If you're diving into multiple chocolate tastings (lucky you!), make sure to cleanse your palate between each type. Sip some water or munch on something plain, like soft polenta. Reset those taste buds and get ready for the next chocolatey delight.

So there you have it, chocolate enthusiasts—a playful guide to tasting chocolate like a pro. Follow these steps, let your senses run wild, and embrace the flavour journey. Chocolate is meant to be savoured, explored, and celebrated. So go forth, my fellow chocoholics, and indulge in the ultimate chocolate experience. 

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